zoom teeth whitening Zoom teeth whitening by Zoom WhiteSpeed has been shown to whiten teeth up to eight brighter shades in as little as 45 minutes. It clearly outshines the other whitening methods when it comes to how effective it has proven to be. Studies indicate WhiteSpeed has shown over 50% higher results than Opalescence Boost after seven days and even after a full thirty days.

WhiteSpeed uses highly advanced LED light technology emitted at the absolute best light spectrum with 100% better light intensity than even the closest lamps used by competitors. Combine that with use of the special pH booster in the whitening gel and our truly advanced blue LED technology. Then the process for teeth whitening is significantly sped up, which can deliver the dramatic results most people love to see.

layers of a tooth WhiteSpeed has fully adjustable settings of low to high to customize how intense the process will be. This helps to make sure every individual patient receives a wonderful whitening experience designed perfectly for them. So far 99% of people who have tried WhiteSpeed have felt zero to very little sensitivity after trying WhiteSpeed.

There are all kinds of stains on teeth. The cause can be from pharmacological, genetic or environmental circumstances. Commonly, stains are on the surface of the enamel or under the dentin enamel. Stains on the surface are very often due to the effects of smoking, beverages and food. This staining may seep through the enamel and alter the shade of the dentin, which makes the tooth dark because the layer of the enamel is so translucent. This is exactly how teeth appear to be yellow.

Why get Zoom teeth whitening?

Its one of the first things people observe when they see you. When you’re confident and feel fantastic about whitened teeth, its totally noticeable. With Philips Zoom you get the stunningly brilliant results you want and a professional whitening option designed for your lifestyle. Like all things having to do with your smile, your family dentist is your best resource when it comes to whitening. This is specifically the reason why only professional dentists can use the professional-strength, high quality whitening of Philips Zoom.

Now you can truly get your most confident and brilliant smile today when with the wonderful advancements and effectiveness of the Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed Teeth Whitening System.

Watch the video below and contact us today for more information!